
Tabs organize content into multiple sections and allow users to navigate between them.

Tab Panel 1
import { Tab, TabList, TabPanel, Tabs } from 'cwl-ui'
export function Default() {
  return (
      <TabList aria-label="An example demonstrating how to use Tabs">
        <Tab id="1">Tab 1</Tab>
        <Tab id="2">Tab 2</Tab>
        <Tab id="3">Tab 3</Tab>
      <TabPanel id="1">Tab Panel 1</TabPanel>
      <TabPanel id="2">Tab Panel 2</TabPanel>
      <TabPanel id="3">Tab Panel 3</TabPanel>

Component API

aria-labelundefinedA label for assisting assistive technologies.
isDisabledfalseA prop that disables all Tabs at once.
disabledKeysundefinedAn array that disables only certain Tabs.
orientationverticalEither vertical or horizontal which determines how the tabs are stacked.

See React Aria Tabs for more details.



Tab Panel 1
import { Tab, TabList, TabPanel, Tabs } from 'cwl-ui'
export function Default() {
  return (
      <TabList aria-label="An example demonstrating how to use Tabs">
        <Tab id="1">Tab 1</Tab>
        <Tab id="2">Tab 2</Tab>
        <Tab id="3">Tab 3</Tab>
      <TabPanel id="1">Tab Panel 1</TabPanel>
      <TabPanel id="2">Tab Panel 2</TabPanel>
      <TabPanel id="3">Tab Panel 3</TabPanel>

Vertical Tabs

Set the orientation prop to vertical to display tabs vertically.

Tab Panel 1
import { Tab, TabList, TabPanel, Tabs } from 'cwl-ui'
export function Vertical() {
  return (
    <Tabs orientation="vertical">
      <TabList aria-label="An example demonstrating how to use vertical tabs">
        <Tab id="1">Tab 1</Tab>
        <Tab id="2">Tab 2</Tab>
        <Tab id="3">Tab 3</Tab>
      <TabPanel id="1">Tab Panel 1</TabPanel>
      <TabPanel id="2">Tab Panel 2</TabPanel>
      <TabPanel id="3">Tab Panel 3</TabPanel>


Disabled all Tabs by setting the isDisabled prop.

Tab Panel 1
import { Tab, TabList, TabPanel, Tabs } from 'cwl-ui'
export function Disabled() {
  return (
    <Tabs isDisabled>
      <TabList aria-label="An example demonstrating how to use disabled Tabs">
        <Tab id="1">Tab 1</Tab>
        <Tab id="2">Tab 2</Tab>
        <Tab id="3">Tab 3</Tab>
      <TabPanel id="1">Tab Panel 1</TabPanel>
      <TabPanel id="2">Tab Panel 2</TabPanel>
      <TabPanel id="3">Tab Panel 3</TabPanel>

Disabled Items

Disable items by setting passing the disabledKeys props.

Tab Panel 1
import { Tab, TabList, TabPanel, Tabs } from 'cwl-ui'
export function DisabledKeys() {
  return (
    <Tabs disabledKeys={['2']}>
      <TabList aria-label="An example demonstrating how to use disabled keys Tabs">
        <Tab id="1">Tab 1</Tab>
        <Tab id="2">Tab 2</Tab>
        <Tab id="3">Tab 3</Tab>
      <TabPanel id="1">Tab Panel 1</TabPanel>
      <TabPanel id="2">Tab Panel 2</TabPanel>
      <TabPanel id="3">Tab Panel 3</TabPanel>


To install, copy the code below and paste into your project.

'use client'
import { cx } from 'cva'
import * as ReactAria from 'react-aria-components'
const Tabs = ({ className, ...props }: ReactAria.TabsProps) => {
  return (
        // horizontal
        'orientation-horizontal:flex-col orientation-horizontal:[--border-width:0_0_2px_0]',
        // vertical
const TabList = <T extends object>({ className, ...props }: ReactAria.TabListProps<T>) => {
  return (
        'flex border-slate-700',
        // Vertical
const Tab = ({ className, ...props }: ReactAria.TabProps) => {
  return (
        'relative shrink-0 cursor-pointer border-[length:var(--border-width)] border-transparent px-4 py-2 text-muted-foreground outline-none transition-colors',
        // Focus-visible
        'focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:text-ring',
        // Disabled
        'disabled:cursor-not-allowed disabled:opacity-40',
        // Horizontal
        'group-orientation-horizontal:border-[width:var(--border-width)] group-orientation-horizontal:top-[2px]',
        // Vertical
        'group-orientation-vertical:border-[width:var(--border-width)] group-orientation-vertical:left-[2px] group-orientation-vertical:inline-flex',
        // Selected
        'selected:border-black selected:text-primary',
const TabPanel = ({ className, ...props }: ReactAria.TabPanelProps) => {
  return <ReactAria.TabPanel className={cx('grow p-4', className)} {...props} />
export { Tab, Tabs, TabList, TabPanel }